
Free program Email by domain name

With a comprehensive support plan after the Covid 19 pandemic for all approved customers, we offer a free support policy for a premium domain-based Email package for Businesses.

Resources we use

  • 10 high-speed servers: 256 GB Ram, 10TB SSD, 2 Xeon CPUs
  • Total expected customers supporting Email package: 5000 customers
  • Total cost of our investment support: 2 billion VND

Email service package will support free increase

  • Email Package 3, see details here (or link: https://saco.vn/saco-host  )
  • Package capacity: 10 Emails, 10GB storage
  • This package is offering a normal price of 99,000 VND / month, equivalent to 1,188,000 VND / year, equivalent to 2,376,000 VND / 2 years
  • Free gift period: 2 years
  • After 2 years, the annual renewal fee will be reduced by 50%, to only 49,000 VND / month, equivalent to 588,000 VND / year
  • Customers need to pay a fee of 150,000 VND / one time only. This is a fee to maintain personnel: consulting, activating services, and providing quality customer support throughout the process of using the service

Registration form

  • Step 1: Register an Online account on this page, register and activate automatically immediately
  • Step 2: Log in to the account you just registered
  • Step 3: Perform Registration at the Function Menu (This menu will be displayed after logging in)
  • Step 4: Customers transfer the service activation fee of 150,000 VND / 1 time only.
  • Step 5: The technical team will contact to confirm information and activate. This should not take more than 2 hours of work

Advice on this policy

  • Refund Activation within 30 days if the service is found to be of poor quality
  • The program may end at any time without prior notice as soon as capacity and system resources exceed 60%


Contact Sales Hotline: 08 6713 0208

Connect to Zalo for convenient consultation: 08 6713 0208
