
Get a free Social Entity package when purchasing PR articles on any newspaper site

Free Social Entity Package when purchasing any PR article, applicable to both retail customers and agents

Hello customers and agents

The promotion program includes a Social Entity package for any PR article purchase order at SACO, specifically as follows:

1/ Form of promotion

  • Free Social Entity 100 Link package for any PR article order worth > 2,000,000 VND
  • Free Social Entity package of 200 links for any PR article order worth > 4,000,000vnd
  • Free Social Entity package of 300 links for any PR article order worth > 6,000,000vnd

2/ Donation specifications:

  • The gift package will be deployed after the customer's PR article order is 100% completed.
  • Customers will be advised on how to create content for this Entity package by our experts
  • This bonus package is applied to each order, not cumulative to multiple orders for redemption

3/ Commitment and warranty for gift package

  • The included Entity package is deployed and all login information is handed over. Customers only need to provide their Gmail login user and password for us to use to create Social accounts.
  • Customers should create a new Gmail for this to hand over to us
  • The gifted Social Entity package will be delivered without Index commitments
  • Customers have the right to provide a Social list to create upon request (ie the customer provides a social list for us to create).

4/ Time to hand over the gift package

  • Social Entity 100 Link: 3-5 days
  • Social Entity 200 Link: 5-7 days
  • Social Entity 100 Link: 7-10 days

5/ Target audience and promotion period

  • The program will end at 5:00 pm on July 31, 2024
  • The program does not apply to making Social Entities for sites that violate Vietnamese law